Как из 1С отправлять письма через "The Bat!"? | ☑ | ||
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КомандаСистемы("mailto:[email protected]?subject=Hello");
или прочитав хелп от бата, увидим Top Previous Next The /MAIL command is used for automated message creation using a template, text file and/or set of attached files for a specific destination address. This command is extremely useful for applications that need to send e-mail messages without having to do the additional work involved in the implementation of the various Internet e-mail standards. Syntax /MAIL[parameter1[;parameter2[;parameter3[...]]] Parameters USER=value or U=value value is the name of the source account. If no FOLDER parameter is specified, the target folder will be the Inbox of the given account. PASSWORD=value or P=value value is the password which will unlock the account if it is needed. FOLDER=value or F=value value is the target folder's pathname. If the pathname does not include an account name, The Bat! will search all accounts for a folder with a matching name; the first folder found will be used as the target folder. If the specified folder is not found, the Outbox folder of the target account is used. TEMPLATE=value or T=value value is the pathname of the file which contains the template that will be used for the creation of the message. By default, it is the standard template of the target folder or the target account. TO=value value specifies the primary addressee of the message. You can add additional addressees using template macros %TO, %CC, %BCC. SUBJECT=value or S=value value specifies the subject of the message. It is also possible to define the message subject in the template using %SUBJECT macros. TEXT=value or CONTENTS=value or C=value value is the pathname of a plain text file which contains the text of the message. It is also possible to include a text file into a message using the %PUT macro in the template. ATTACH=value or FILE=value or A=value value is the pathname of the file which will be attached to the message. It is also possible to use %ATTACHFILE macros in the template. SEND if this parameter is used, the created message will be sent out as soon as it has been created. QUEUE if this parameter is used, the created message will be queued in the Outbox once it is created. EDIT if this parameter is used, The Bat! opens the editor with the message created using the parameters from above Examples /MAILU=MyAccount;[email protected];S=Test;TEXT=C:\TESTs\TEST.MSG /MAILF=\\MyAccount\Test;[email protected] Note: To separate parameters, use semicolons (";" characters). Do not put spaces between parameters when using the /EXPORT command from the command line because a space-separated mask will be interpreted as the next command line parameter and will not be processed as intended. Note: If a parameter value contains space characters, enclose it in quotation marks. If a value contains quotation marks, you should use single quotes (" ' " characters). |
Или чтобы хотя бы просто формировать новое письмо и открывать его форму, не отправляя.
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